Articles |
"Die Wikinger: aus dem Norden in die Weltgeschichte"
In: Pax et gaudium 6 (2002)
Theme issue "Die Wikinger. Mythos und Wirklichkeit"
Pp. 611
"Killing to qualify. The underprivileged assassins of Eyrbyggja saga"
In: Nordica Bergensia 33 (2005)
Pp. 7595
"Tribüne, Tollhaus, Trivialplatz.
Eine Bestandsaufnahme über Thingstätten als Kulissen in den Íslendingasögur und Íslendingaþættir"
In: Thomas Seiler (ed.)
Herzort Island. Aufsätze zur isländischen Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte
Lüdenscheid 2005: Seltmann & Söhne
Pp. 84109
"Interaksjon mellom vitenskap og ideologi?
Tre perspektiver på den gamle norrøne kultur og litteratur i Tyskland fra 1850- til 1940-årene"
In: Terje Emberland, Jorunn Sem Fure (red.)
Jakten på Germania. Fra nordensvermeri til SS-arkeologi
Oslo 2009: Humanist
Pp. 82108
The final print has been messed up substantially and misleadingly by the editors.
Please contact me to obtain a corrected and annotated PDF facsimile.
Book review
"Die deutschsprachigen Fassungen und Verarbeitungen der
Jómsvíkinga saga von den 1920er bis zu den 1940er Jahren"
In: Á austrvega. Saga and East Scandinavia.
Preprint papers of the 14th International Saga Conference,
Uppsala, 9th15th August 2009. Vol. III
Coll. and rev. Agneta Ney, Henrik Williams, Fredrik Charpentier Ljungqvist
Gävle 2009: Gävle University Press
(= Institutionen för humaniora och samhällsvetenskaps skriftserie, 14) Vol. I, pp. 420428
Persistent URL:
"Character metamorphosis in German versions of Jómsvíkinga saga"
In: IASS 2010 Proceedings.
Föredrag vid den 28:e studiekonferensen i International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS) i Lund 37 augusti 2010
Red. Claes-Göran Holmberg, Per Erik Ljung
Lund 2011: Lunds universitets bibliotek Online publication, Lund University Open Access 8 p. (no continuous pagination) (ISBN 978-91-7473-839-1)
"Jómsborg and the German reception of Jómsvíkinga saga:
Introducing masterhood as a social norm"
In: Jakub Morawiec, Aleksandra Jochymek, Grzegorz Bartusik (eds.)
Social norms in medieval Scandinavia
(= Beyond Medieval Europe)
Leeds 2019: Arc Humanities Press/Amsterdam University Press
Pp. 173183
DOI: 10.2307/j.ctvpb3xck.14
TOC and introduction ( PDF) on Publisher's page
Reviews |
"Lokinhamrar – ein isländischer Fernsehfilm auf den Nordischen Filmtagen"
In: Island. Zeitschrift der Deutsch-Isländischen Gesellschaft e. V. Köln und der Gesellschaft der Freunde Islands e. V. Hamburg
Year 8, no. 1 (2002)
Pp. 7273
(In collaboration with Liliane Irlenbusch-Reynard:)
Dominik Waßenhoven:
Skandinavier unterwegs in Europa (10001250).
Untersuchungen zu Mobilität und Kulturtransfer auf prosopographischer Grundlage
Berlin 2006: Akademie-Verlag
(= Europa im Mittelalter, 8)
Online review for: francia-recensio (Deutsches Historisches Institut Paris), 3/2008 2008-3/MA/Wassenhoven_Irlenbusch
M. A. thesis |
"Thingstätten als Erzählelemente in den Íslendingasögur und Íslendingaþættir"
Mastergradsavhandling Universitetet i Bergen/Nordisk institutt 2005
Persistent URL:
Ph. D. thesis |
"Das Inventar der Jómsvíkinga saga und seine deutschsprachige Rezeption"
Dissertation Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn 2023
Persistent URL 1:
Persistent URL 2:
Conference papers and lectures |
"Killing to qualify: Underdogs as assassins as exemplified in Eyrbyggja saga"
International Medieval Congress 2005, Leeds, 1114 July 2005
"Resepsjonen av norrøn litteratur og kultur i Tyskland på 1900-tallet, med hovedvekt på 1930- og 1940-tallet"
Offentlig prøveforelesning, 16 December 2005, Nordisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen
"Loose tongues and loose heads: Some examples of dealing with mockers in the Icelandic sagas"
International Medieval Congress 2006, Leeds, 1013 July 2006
"An interplay of science and ideology? Three approaches to Old Norse culture and literature in Germany from Kaiserreich to Drittes Reich"
- "In search of a Germanic past – Heinrich Himmler's Ahnenerbe and Scandinavia" (
Programme/PDF file). Symposium at Villa Grande/Holocaust-Senteret, Oslo, 13 March 2007 (invited speaker)
- Litteraturforum, Universitetet i Stavanger, 16 March 2007 (invited speaker)
"The Jómsborg and the Jómsvíkingar: A myth and its two contradicting ideological interpretations in National Socialist Germany"
International Medieval Congress 2007, Leeds, 912 July 2007
"A matter of honour? The use of social underdogs as assassins in medieval Iceland"
International Medieval Congress 2008, Leeds, 710 July 2008
"The amazing Björn Breiðvíkingakappi: The constructed third hero of Eyrbyggja saga"
International Medieval Congress 2009, Leeds, 1316 July 2009
"Jómsvíkinga saga in German translation and adaptation (1920s to 1940s): Some visualisations"
(Presentation of ‘Die deutschsprachigen Fassungen und Verarbeitungen der Jómsvíkinga saga von den 1920er bis zu den 1940er Jahren’)
14th International Saga Conference
Á austrvega. Saga and East Scandinavia
Uppsala, 915 August 2009
"A smack with the grautarþvara and the Last Supper: Cooking gear and dining-tables in Íslendingasögur conflicts"
International Medieval Congress 2010, Leeds, 1215 July 2010
"Character metamorphosis in German adaptations of Jómsvíkinga saga"
International Association of Scandinavian Studies (IASS),
28th Study Conference
Translation Adaptation, Interpretation, Transformation
Lund, 37 August 2010
"German adaptations of Jómsvíkinga saga: Shifting views of the sea battle of Hjörungavágr"
International Medieval Congress 2011, Leeds, 1114 July 2011
"The decline of the Jomsviking laws in German saga retellings"
International Medieval Congress 2012, Leeds, 912 July 2012
"Sigvaldi and the Jomsviking laws: Changing attitudes in German saga retellings"
15th International Saga Conference
Sagas and the use of the past
Aarhus, 511 August 2012
"The aspects of Christianisation and heathendom in the German reception of Jómsvíkinga saga"
International Medieval Congress 2013, Leeds, 14 July 2013
"Hunting grounds? Realm? Empire? Perceptions of the Jomsvikings and their sphere of influence"
International Medieval Congress 2014, Leeds, 710 July 2014
"Remoulding and recycling: How to build your own Jómsvíkinga saga"
International Medieval Congress 2015, Leeds, 69 July 2015
"Adjusted paganity: A proxy war or just a bias in the German reception of Jómsvíkinga saga?"
International Medieval Congress 2016, Leeds, 47 July 2016
"The perception of Jómsborg in the German reception of Jómsvíkinga saga"
The 1st Jómsborg Conference
Defining and applying social norms in mediaeval Scandinavia
Wolin, 2022 April 2017
"The ambitious petty kingdom of Jomsborg? German interpretations of the accounts given in Jómsvíkinga saga"
International Medieval Congress 2017, Leeds, 36 July 2017
"Jarl Sigvaldi's memory gap in Jómsvíkinga saga: A chance to what?"
International Medieval Congress 2018, Leeds, 25 July 2018
"Underground and up the cliffs: Shelters, hideaways and strongholds in Old Norse literature"
International Medieval Congress 2019, Leeds, 14 July 2019